Thanksgiving: How to Protect Your Dog PLUS a Fido-Friendly Recipe!

Thanksgiving Dinner Laid Out on Table

Thanksgiving Dinner Laid Out on Table

Thanksgiving is just a day away followed by lots of delicious leftovers!

But as you are cooking, serving and storing the Thanksgiving feast, keep the reminders below in mind when it comes to what your family dog can enjoy and the foods he should not eat! Also share this post and infographic with other family members and guests who will be enjoying dinner with you!

It may seem harmless to share holiday foods with your furry best friend. BUT it’s critical to remember that smaller dogs are more vulnerable to harmful foods and can suffer negative effects faster! Stay vigilant and protect your canine(s) from foods that are not dog-friendly. In addition, feed any dog-friendly foods in moderation!

Below is an infographic to help keep Fido safe this Thanksgiving!

(P.S. Have a difficult time saying no to those sad, begging puppy eyes? Scroll down for a dog-friendly AND healthy recipe you can make and share with your dog during Thanksgiving Dinner!)

Keeping Fido Safe This Thanksgiving

The foods your dog can - and cannot - eat this Thanksgiving Day!


Keep scrolling for the Crunchy Green Bean K9 Treat recipe!

Large Dog Holding a Wooden Spoon Wearing a Chef's Hat

Large Dog Holding a Wooden Spoon Wearing a Chef's Hat

With just some frozen green beans and olive oil, you can make this healthy and tasty snack to satisfy those begging puppy eyes during your Thanksgiving Dinner!

K9 Green Bean Crunchies

~ 16 ounces frozen green beans (cut, thawed and drained)

~ 1 tablespoon olive oil

Preheat oven to 170 degrees F.

Add the green beans and oil to a mixing bowl and toss to coat the green beans. Evenly spread on a large, parchment-lined or non-stick, baking sheet.

Dry beans in the oven for 8 hours or until they are crunchy. (You can also use a dehydrator at 170 degrees F for 8 hours or until crunchy.)

Turn off the oven (or dehydrator) and allow the green beans to cool completely before storing them in an airtight container.