Our Dogs’ Basic Rights
MobilityDog is committed to the best environment for each of our dogs. We are committed to each dog’s general health, wellness, treatment, welfare, and the basic rights of each canine that is gifted to us from rescues, breeders, and poodles that ‘show up’ to become our responsibility. We will provide each dog with their basic rights for food, safe and secure shelter, water, exercise, veterinarian care, humane gentle training, space to just be a fun-loving amazing dog, and loving care. We hold wellness checks, weekly puppy meetups, weekly training sessions, and are hands-on. As a top priority, we will always hold the well-being of all of our Service Dogs in Training (SDiT), Service Dogs (SD), and all the dogs we encounter.
Meet Our Puppies; they are the foundation of our MobilityDog Organization!
The ABC's of MobilityDog
A is for Arthur, who is Affectionate. Sir Arthur, a donated male Standard Poodle, born November 20, 2017, is being raised by MobilityDog’s New Puppy Raisers’ Cailee and her mom, Catrina, in Arizona. Arthur was trained for Mobility work and guide work. UPDATE: SD team Sir Arthur & Elliot live a full independent life. This team, alongside Service Dog Task Trainer Bryce Lincus, is in AZ. These two have a natural connection, with much kindness and movement happening!
A is for Akria, who is Ardent. Akira, a female Golden Retriever, born in spring 2021, is being raised by her disabled handler Angela and co-raising with Louis! UPDATE: SDiT Akira is going to the office and is learning to be a strong Service Dog Team member!
B is for Baldwin, who is Brilliant. Baldwin, a donated male Standard Poodle, born November 21, 2017, is being raised by MobilityDog’s Puppy Raiser Ruth in Arizona. UPDATE: Sir Baldwin is preparing to receive his next level of training. Baldwin is being loved, cared for, and having a great life with Deborah during his transition; very sweet! Sir Baldwin has taught four Mobility Challenged Humans what a Service Dog is like and what it is like to be with one. Professor Baldwin might be a better title! UPDATE: April/2019 Sir Baldwin is working with Service Dog Trainer Anna preparing for his forever handler, Alex. SD TEAM ROCKSTARS! UPDATE: Alex & Baldwin are officially a Service Dog Team in Orange County, California!
B is for Bombay, who is Bodacious. Bombay, a rescue female standard poodle mix born March 15, 2016, was matched through our MSD-WCP network. Bombay and Kristen are an SDiT Team working with a Service Dog Trainer in the big state of Texas since February 2018. UPDATE: In December 2018, SD Team Bombay & Kristen became MobilityDog's first official Team. Due to the confidentiality clause needed for her work, photographs, and details have been omitted. We were honored to support this team as they have worked long and hard for Kristen’s functional independence.
B is for Bailey, who is Blissful. Bailey, a female Standard Poodle, born in spring 2021, is being raised by her disabled handler, Rachel, and co-raised with Phil! UPDATE: SD TEAM Bailey & Rachel are now USC Graduates! Congratulations!
B is for Benjamin, who is Bada bing bada boom! Benjamin, a male Standard Poodle, born in the spring of 2021, was rehomed and was raised as a Therapy Dog and is working with Autistic high students in Riverside County. TherapyDog Benjamin, SD Bailey, and SDiT Theodore are all littermates!
C is for Carmine, who is Captivating. Carmine, a female Standard Poodle, born June 21, 2018, is being raised by MobilityDog’s Puppy Raiser Dina in Northern California. UPDATE: SDiT Team Carmine & Heather are a strong, focused team creating a bright circle living together. Carmine is with her SD Handler Heather to continue work as an SDiT to become a PTSD and mobility dog working under our Advisory Service Dog Trainer Chair Denise Chalnick Marquez with 4 Paws 4 Patriots. UPDATE 2021: Heather & Carmine are a Working Service Dog Team!
C is for Coco, who is Charming. Coco, a female Standard Poodle, was rescued/rehomed and needed rehab in a forever home. Deborah graciously took on the task with training, love, and a home in Washington.
C is for Chester, who is Convident. Chester, a male Standard Poodle/Doodle, born September 2023, at five months he needed a new home, and we took him in as a rescue to be an SDiT with MobilityDog. SDiT Chester weighs 50 pounds at 5 months and is being raised by his Puppy Co-Raisers, Steve & Rebekah, in Los Angeles.
D is for Dakota, who was Delicate. Dakota, a female Standard Poodle, born November 20, 2017, was rescued/rehomed with Paul, who has a loving, caring environment with another rescued Poodle learning much in Northern California. Grateful for the opportunity to create a positive life for Dakota and her littermate Mr. White. Dakota is now Delightful!
D is for Dusty, who is Dapper: Dusty, a male Standard Poodle. Dusty, rescued/rehomed, lives an amazing doggie life with two other Standard poodles in his forever home with Tricia in Southern California.
E is for female
E is for Edison, who is Enlightened. Edison, a male Standard Poodle, born June 21, 2018, is being trained by her Mobility Disabled Handler, Tabitha, and her mom Heather in Oregon. Edison, an SDiT, is learning to be a Medical Alert dog with Mary at Servicedogacademy.com and Basic plus Service Dog training with Karen Pryor Academy. Tabitha’s blog UPDATE: SDiT TEAM Tabithia & Edison attend high school together and are currently part of the Zoo Partnership Program. UPDATE: Congratulations SD Team Edison & Heather made the Yearbook! UPDATE: Service Dog Team Edison & Tabitha are studying and living in a dormitory at a great University in the Northwest!
F is for female
F is for Frankie, who is Faithful. His Handler Jae is raising Frankie, a Doodle, in Southern California. This MSDiT had just begun its journey together in January 2019. UPDATE: SD Team Frankie & Jae are working well for FUNctional independence, a strong, noble team! UPDATE: Frankie retired from service due to a genetic eye presentation and passed away in Fall 2020.
F is for Finley, who is Fabulous, a standard male poodle born 03.December.2021. He is an SDiT working with multi-puppy raisers at UCI Medical Center on the streets of Norwalk and Sunset Beach, and he is just a great puppy! He likes to fly, explore, and work!
G is for Gertrude, who is Gracious. Gertrude ‘Trudy,’ a female Standard Poodle born June 21, 2018, was rehomed as a pet living with her forever family, Victoria and Nicole, in Washington State. UPDATE: Oso loves running the property and is the best pet for her beautiful family.
G is for male. (Janie wants the G to be used to honor our darling Gifford Myers. Giff was an original board member and brilliant artist who loved MobilityDog’s mission and dogs!)
G is for Gia, who is Genuine. Gia, a female Standard Poodle born 03.December.202,1 is a rescue that needs to work! Our puppy-sitters Gerry & Mary Ann watched over Gia as we assessed this lovely 18-month pup before she was transferred as an SDiT. Gia was learning all the retrieval skills and enjoying every moment with some Puppy Raisers and MobilityDog’s lead Service Dog Trainer! Go Gia! UPDATE: SDiT Gia is officially part of a Service Dog Team!
H is for Hampton, who is Harmonious. Hampton, a male Standard Poodle, born June 21, 2018, is being raised by MobilityDog’s Puppy Raiser Elizabeth ‘Lizzie’ in Washington State. Thank you to Lizzie and Jan for their time, energy, and work raising the SDiT Hampy. UPDATE: SD Team Dani & Hampton -Hampton goes by his nickname, Gus. They are a strong team.
H is for Hemingway, who was Handsome. Hemingway, a male Great Dane, was trained and raised by disabled handler Jae with the support of MobilityDog’s trainers and community. UPDATE: Service Dog Team Hemingway & Jae worked well together. UPDATE: Hemingway was rehomed to a ranch working the disabled farmer as a working service dog team, KUDOS!! Great dog.
H is for female
I is for female
I is for Ike, who is ideal. Ike, a Standard Poodle and Goldendoodle mix, born 2023. Ike is being raised by Puppy Raisers Lance & Becky near the beach and life is ever so precious with this amazing big brilliant puppy.
J is for Jackie, who is jolly! Jackie is 2/3 Standard Poodle and 1/3 Bernese Mountain Dog, she is beautiful and was born in 2022. SDiT Jackie is being raised with Co-Puppy Raisers/Trainers and will be heading to her next level of training late winter 2025. She is gem and a big girl!
J is for Jake, who is joyful. Jake is a male Standard Poodle, born on January 13, 2021. He was raised by MobilityDog’s Puppy Raiser, Lonnie in Huntington Beach, CA. UPDATE: August 1, 2022, Service Dog Team Jake & Joel! Beautiful things are happening.
J is for Jack, who is jovial and jolly. What’s UP Jackster is a male Standard Poodle, born May 5, 2021, and was raised by Lori Ikuma. After socialization, basic training, and much love, he is training with our Service Dog Trainer, Anna Gilnets. UPDATE: SDiT began transitioning to his forever handler in July 2022. SDiT Jack’s handler passed away on August 8, 2022. UPDATE: SD Jack is also a Therapy Dog who is visiting cancer patients offering snuggles and tail wagging. SD/Therapy Dog Jack is loved. UPDATE: Jack’s rear leg was amputated in May 2023. Sweet Jackson is playing and doing his favorite routines; we are grateful for the beautiful hearts and love of SD/Therapy Dog Jack’s family and Lilly.
K is for female
K is for Kevin, who is Keen. Kevin is a male Standard Poodle born 8.June.2019 is the silliest puppy, full of personality, bringing laughter to everyone greeting him. SDiT Team Kevin & Rebecca are training with Service Dog Trainer Denise Chalnick Marquez, who runs Peaceful Paws Dog Training and Paws 4 Patriots. UPDATE: 2021, SD Team Kevin & Rebecca passed their PAT+T under Denise’s guidance. Each year they will need to maintain their PAT+T standards!
L is for Lido. Lido is a male Standard Poodle born on 14.April.2022 and is being co-raised by Cathy and Kari. UPDATE: SDiT Lido is a fantastic puppy; we are grateful for the brilliance of his co-raisers Kari and Cathy! UPDATE: SD Lido is with his forever handler working as a service dog TEAM!
L is for Layla’s loving and Loyal. Layla is a female Standard Poodle born 7. January.2020 and is raised by her Puppy Raiser, Alysia! The SDiT Team of Layla and Alysia are spectacular with socialization, consistency with daily break-out training, and getting out and about from the house. SDiT Team Layla & Alysia are training with SD Trainer Anna Gilnets. UPDATE: SD Team Layla & Nicole are rockstars! UPDATE: SD Layla died May 12, 2023 —our deepest condolences to Nicole and her family.
M is for Maya, who is Magical. Maya, a female dwarf Standard Poodle born 15.January.2017, rehomed to be a pet in Northern California. UPDATE: Maya lives on a horse farm with two other dogs, loving to run and play!
M is for Monk, who is Mystic. Monk is a male Berniedoodle that was raised with MobilityDog by his forever handler Isa. UPDATE: Monk developed an allergy and was rehomed. UPDATE: Enter SDiT Winston, who’s mature, well-trained, and gentle, supporting the needs of his handler with grace and always ready to assist. GO Service Dog Team Winston & Isa! Great Team!
M is for Monty, who is Marvelous. Monty is a male Standard Poodle born 30.April.2019 has the most states under his belt! Wyoming, California, Florida, Washington, DC, and Virginia! SDiT Monty has the joy and adventures of living with his fantastic Puppy Raiser, Berta, and her husband, Bill. Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, his time with his Puppy Raiser was extended! SDiT Team Monty & Berta have been amazing every day. He is learning new tasking and loves to jump over all the courses Berta has set up for Monty! He jumped into the lake too, with another doggie friend! SDiT Team Monty & Berta train with Anna Gilnets and Michelle Hill. UPDATE: SD TEAM MONTY & JUNE ARE AMAZING!
M is for Misty, who is Merry. Misty is a female rescue working service dog with her handler to support balance, retrieval, and alerting. Her Handler Madelyne is training her, and they are rocking it! UPDATE: SD Misty retired in June 2023.
N is for female
N is for Nash. Nash is a male Standard Poodle born 14.April.2022 and is being raised by Puppy Raiser Marina through April 2023. UPDATE: SDiT Nash’s new Co-Puppy Raisers, Becky and Lance, continue the training and tasking skills preparing Nash for his forever handler. SDiT Nash is the sweetest and most gentle boy! UPDATE: SDiT Nash, on March 5, began transferring and forming the amazing Service Dog Team of Nash & Art. Professor Art and Nash will work together on campus and around town; beautiful work!
O is for female
O is for Oliver Orchard, who is Obliging. Oliver ‘Ollie’, a male Standard Poodle, born June 21, 2018, is raised by MobilityDog’s Puppy Raiser Jennifer in Northern California. UPDATE: SD Ollie, Doreen, and Rod are a working Service Dog Team in Northern California and are bonded; life is sweet as Ollie/Bowie works with both his handlers assisting, balancing, bracing, retrieval, and counterbalancing.
P is for Papillon, who is Precocious. Papi is a standard female poodle, born 8.June.2019. Raised by our board member, Pam Allen, who worked hard and taught Papi how to be a most amazing SDiT. DOB UPDATE: In June 2020, Papi transitioned to her forever handler, Abby. They have worked hard together, doing all the work for their PAT! Congratulations, SD Team Papi & Abby. SD Team Papi & Abby train with SD trainer Anna Gilnets.
P is for Pepper, who is Peaceful. Pepper is a standard male poodle, born 03.December.2021. In Sunset Beach, pepper is being raised by two excellent MobilityDog’s Puppy Raisers’ Junko and Tom! We are over the moon with our new SDiT Team Pepper & Junko & Tom! UPDATE: May 2023 SDiT Pepper is working with the Service Dog Trainer, preparing the details and tasking for his forever handlers. UPDATE: December 2023 SD TEAM Pepper are working together.
Q is for Quincy. Quincy is a male Standard Poodle born 14.April.2022 UPDATE: We gifted Quincy to Cascade Service Dog, where he is being trained for SD work and loving his new home! UPDATE: May 2023, SDiT Quincy is doing fabulous! UPDATE: Quincy is working as a member of a stellar SD Team!
Queen is for Queen Phoebe, who is Playful and Practically Perfect in every way! She retired on February 9, 2018, her eleventh birthday. Phoebe was MSD-WCP founder Janie Heinrich's first SD, specialty trained for wheelchair and mobility service dogs. UPDATE: Phoebe is the first SD Janie worked with and will forever be carried in her heart; Phoebe’s training and working with a Service Dog Trainer gave Janie the strength and vision that MSD-WCP was an opportunity for many to experience the freedom that an SD offers. After retiring from mobility work, she Medical Alerted for epilepsy. Phoebe passed away peacefully at 14 years of age in Janie’s arms. She was the inspiration and joy.
R is for Rasta/Roxy, who is Reliable. Rasta is a female Standard Poodle born 23.April.2019. She is an amazingly gifted gentle canine who adores her handler’s two daughters! SDiT Team Rasta & Andre are training hard and rocking it as they pass their CGC, CGCU, & CGCI. Rasta has completed her PAT and will be prepared for the PAT plus Tasking. SDiT Rasta & Andre work with SD Trainer Denise Chalnick Marquez. UPDATE: September 2021 SD Rasta =Roxy transition training with SD Trainer Anna preparing for Roxy’s forever handler, Natalie. UPDATE: Service Dog Team Roxy & Natalie are together working rockstars in Graduate School and beyond!
R is for Ramsey, who is Radiant. Ramsey, a male Standard Poodle, was born 30.April.2019 is with his puppy raisers Amy & Hernan. SDiT Team Ramsey & Amy, his forever handler, are working hard to complete the Public Access Test (PAT) successfully. SDiT Team Ramsey & Amy work with our Service Dog Trainer, Anna Gilnets. UPDATE: Service Dog Team Ramsey & Amy are a strong working team.
R is for Rocky Road, who is remarkable. Rocky Road, a male GoodlenDoodle, was born 3.May.2019 being raised by his caretakers to be a MobilityDog Ambassador!
S is for female
S is for Samuel Beckett, who is Soulful. ‘Beckett,’ a male Standard Poodle born October 21, 2017, is matched with the founder of MobilityDog, Janie, with the assistance of Penny Scott-Fox, Anna Gilnets, and the MobilityDog Community. UPDATE: SD Team Beckett & Janie travels around the country and in their own backyard, living a full and vibrant life. They share PAWS that Empower and WAG Workshops to the community at large. With Beckett by Janie’s side!
T is for female
T is for Tango, who is Tremendous. Tango, a male Standard Poodle, born June 21, 2018, is being raised by MobilityDog’s Puppy Raiser and Handler, Darlene Nevada. This amazing Service Dog in Training (SDiT) TEAM is working with our team of Service Dog Trainers and Puppy Raiser as Tango and Darlene learn all the tasks to make a FUNctional and active life for this SDiT Team! UPDATE: SD Team Tango & Darlene are an incredible working team.
T is for Theodore, who has a Tender Heart. Theo, a male Standard Poodle, born in spring 2021, was Puppy Raised by the amazing gifted Puppy Raiser Aylsia! UPDATE: SDiT Theodore moved to transitional training in March 2023, perfecting his skills. Such a happy sweet puppy who loves to task, work, and play! UPDATE: SD Theo is working beautiful as an outstanding member of a Service Dog Team!
U is for Uno, who is Unique. Uno, a male GoldenDoodle, born May 3, 2024, is being raised with a Puppy Raiser in Pasadena. Update: SDiT Uno is exploring many places and learning all the manners and cues to become a great Service Dog, he is working with his Puppy Raiser/Training Brandon!
U is for Udon, a female Standard Poodle born April 2023 and rescued by MobilityDog, has two fabulous co-puppy raisers! Faisa and Bljana are excited to receive SDiT Udon in July 2023! UPDATE: Due to health issues, we have repurposed Udon, who is living a great life as Faisa and Bljana’s pet.
V is for female
V is for Vito, who is a Victorious. Vito, a male Standard Poodle. Darling Vito is a Standard Poodle born on January 22, 2022. He was loved and raised up by Co-Raisers/Trainers Lori and Gerry & Mary-Ann before next level of training. UPDATE: SD Vito is a Service Dog Team working at Rancho Los Amigos Rehab Hospital, Los Angeles County Commission on Aging and Disabilities, as well as hundreds of events each year! SD Team Vito & Carlos are the most photographed team as they make incredible strides in bringing ADA compliance and joy to Los Angeles and beyond.
W is for Mr. White, who is Wild. Mr. White, a male Standard Poodle, born November 20, 2017, was rehomed with Patti in a loving, caring environment with another rescued Poodle learning much in Northern California. Grateful for the opportunity to create a positive life for both Mr. White and his littermate Dakota. Mr. White is now Wonderful!
W is for Winston, who is Wonderful. Winston is a male Standard Poodle, donated to us by Cascade Service Dog’s founder and trainer, Sharon. UPDATE: SDiT Winston went to SD Trainer Anna for transitional training and continued preparation for tasks the future handler needs. Puppy Raiser Lonnie worked with WInston too. UPDATE: March 2023, Service Dog Team Winston & Isabelle are working and living FUNctional independently!
W is for female
X is for female
X is for male
Y is for female
Y is for Yogi, who is yummy. Yogi is a male Standard Poodle, born November 20, 2019, working as a Service Dog in Training with his Puppy Raiser Reyna; he is an amazing SDiT! SDiT Team Yogi & Reyna train with SD Trainer Michelle Hill. UPDATE: SDiT Yogi is working with SD Trainer Anna, preparing to transfer to his forever Handler in late spring 2022
Z is for Zoey, who is Zealous. Zoey, is a female Standard Poodle born in 2015. Zoey was renamed Mama Lotus and was gifted to MobilityDog by Jennifer, pregnant, delivering her puppies within four days of arrival! Thank you, Jennifer! Mobility Service Dogs-West Coast Project and Growing up Guide Pup whelped, raised, and placed her adorable nine puppies. 1 as a pet, 8 into service, being raised as Service Dogs in Training with Puppy Raisers under Mobilitydog.org, Growing Up Guide Pup, and Brigadoon Dogs. UPDATE: Zoey is a beautiful dog who was rehomed and living a full, beautiful life, just getting to be a fun-loving canine with MobilityDog’s volunteer, Deborah, in Northern Washington! She has given the Service Dog world so much!
Z is for Ziggy, who has Zest. Ziggy is a male Standard Poodle born 30.April. 2019. SD Ziggy is part of the Service Dog Team Ziggy & Paula. Ziggy is an extension of Paula, making living independently daily possible.