Expectations and Experiences: Where Do Service Dogs do the Most Good? Service DogsMobility Service Dogs - West Coast ProjectJanuary 4, 2023Human-Animal Relationship, Psychosocial Benefits, Mobility Dogs, Benefits of Service Dogs, Purdue University Study
Five New Year's Resolutions to Share with Your Dog! New Year's ResolutionsMobility Service Dogs - West Coast ProjectDecember 28, 2022Resolutions and Dogs, Resolutions for Dogs and Owners, Accountability Partner
Holiday Foods Your Dog Should Avoid! Dog WellnessMobility Service Dogs - West Coast ProjectDecember 21, 2022Bad Holiday Foods for Dogs, Holiday Foods and Dogs, Christmas Dangers, Christmas Foods
Meet Some Heroic Canines! Hero DogsMobility Service Dogs - West Coast ProjectDecember 17, 2022Heroic Canines, Heroic Dogs, Christmas Dangers, Christmas Tips, Dogs and Holidays, Pets and Holidays
Designer Dogs: The Good, the Bad and the Super-Cute DogsMobility Service Dogs - West Coast ProjectDecember 7, 2022Designer Dogs, Hybrid Dogs, Dog Allergens, Hypoallergenic Dogs
Thanksgiving: How to Protect Your Dog PLUS a Fido-Friendly Recipe! ThanksgivingMobility Service Dogs - West Coast ProjectNovember 23, 2022Dog-Friendly Foods, Bad Holiday Foods for Dogs, Dogs, Safety First
A Love Story: The Co-Evolution of Dogs and Humans Dogs and HumansMobility Service Dogs - West Coast ProjectNovember 16, 2022Humanizing Pets, Oxytocin, Dog-Human Gazing
Training Your Dog New Skills? How Important is Repetition? Dog TrainingMobility Service Dogs - West Coast ProjectNovember 9, 2022Repetitions, Repetitions with Dog Training, Dog Behavior, Repetition vs Correction
Testing a Dog’s Brain for Service Suitability Service DogsMobility Service Dogs - West Coast ProjectNovember 2, 2022The Dog Brain, Dog Brain Scans, Canine Brain Scanning, MRIs and Dogs
Honoring Our Assistance Dogs Assistance DogsMobility Service Dogs - West Coast ProjectOctober 27, 2022Service Dogs, Medical Equipment, Hearing Dogs, Mobility Dogs, Medical Alert Dogs, Psychiatric Assistance Dogs
Do Dogs Experience Emotions? Dog BehaviorMobility Service Dogs - West Coast ProjectOctober 19, 2022Dogs and Emotions, Emotions, Caudate nucleus, Gregory Berns
How to Train a Confident Service Dog (or your Family Dog) Confident DogsMobility Service Dogs - West Coast ProjectOctober 13, 2022Dog Training, Dog confidence, Dogs, Service Dogs
Smart Fun for Your Smart Dog! Dog WellnessMobility Service Dogs - West Coast ProjectOctober 5, 2022Walks, Kongs, Toys, Dog Tricks, Dog Parks
Pet Preparedness is All Year! Pet SafetyMobility Service Dogs - West Coast ProjectSeptember 28, 2022Pet Preparedness, Pet 1st Aid Kit Checklist, Emergencies, Disasters, Pet Evacuation
Your Dog's Prey Drive: Good or Bad? Dog BehaviorMobility Service Dogs - West Coast ProjectSeptember 21, 2022Dog Prey Drive, K9 Prey Drive, Using Prey Drive with Herding Dogs
4 Reasons to Train Your Dog with Praise! Dog TrainingMobility Service Dogs - West Coast ProjectSeptember 14, 2022Dogs and Positive Reinforcement, Praise and Dogs, Praise Your Dog, Dog Training: Praise or Treats?
All Dogs Paddle Dog SwimmingMobility Service Dogs - West Coast ProjectSeptember 7, 2022The Dog Paddle, Dogs and Water, Swimming Dogs
Service Dogs: Why Lifetime Training is Critical Service DogsMobility Service Dogs - West Coast ProjectAugust 31, 2022Dog Training, Service Dog Training
Did We Domesticate Dogs or Did They Domesticate Us? DogsMobility Service Dogs - West Coast ProjectAugust 24, 2022Dog Domestication, Domestication Syndrome, Dogs and Domestication Syndrome, Coyotes
Heartworm and Tick Awareness You Need! Dog HealthMobility Service Dogs - West Coast ProjectAugust 18, 2022Heartworm, Ticks, Heartworm Infection, Heartworm Prevention